Welcome to,
formerly known as Womens
Liberation Front.
A website
that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well
as especially for the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the
struggles of our sisters in other parts of the Middle East. This online magazine
that started December 2019 will
be published every week. Thank you for your time and interest.
November week 1 -- October 27 - 24 -- October 23 - 19 -- October 18 - 11 -- October 10 - September 27 -- September 26 - 22 -- September 21 - 14 -- 15 - 4 Sept. -- August 31 - July 5, 2023
(Updates November 3, 2023)
When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi
figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da
qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so
called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.
Jinha - Womens News Agency - 3
Nov 2023
<<63 journalists and media workers are behind bars in Turkey, report
Amed- The Dicle Fırat Journalists' Association has released its October
report on rights violations against journalists in Turkey. <More than 30
journalists were killed all around the world in October,> said the
report mentioning the Israel and Palestine conflict. <Journalists in war
zones must be protected; however, they are targeted and killed. This is
unacceptable. Everyone is responsible for ensuring safe working
conditions for journalists. We call on the parties to fulfill their
'October was once again a bad month for journalists in Turkey'
Giving information about the detained and arrested journalists in
October, the report said, <October was once again a bad month for
journalists in Turkey. Although some of our colleagues were released
from prison in October, some of our colleagues were arrested and
imprisoned as if to 'make sure their places are not left empty'. On
November 1, T24 columnist and journalist Tolga Şardan was taken into
custody for one of his articles. On the same day, Dilşah Kocakaya was
sent to prison on charges of 'propagandizing for a terrorist
organization' because of the article written by her to be in solidarity
with the Ozgur Gundem newspaper.>
'63 journalists and media workers are behind bars'
63 journalists and media workers are behind bars in Turkey, according to
the report. The report also listed the rights violations against
journalists in October.>>
Read the list here:
Hilwa Feqir
Jinha - Womens News Agency - 3 Nov 2023 - by HEVIDAR ŞENGALI
<<'We will ensure justice for the girls held captive by ISIS'
Shengal (Sinjar)- In 2014, ISIS attacked Shengal, killing thousands of
Yazidis, including women and children, abducting thousands of Yazidi
women and girls. The abducted Yazidi women and girls were sold in slave
markets. The Syrian Democratic Forces defeated ISIS in Shengal. However,
ISIS still holds thousands of Yazidi women captive.
ISIS member, who put a Yazidi girl up for sale, is still free
In 2017, a Yazidi girl was forcibly taken from Shingal by ISIS member
Sabbah Ali Oruç. The ISIS member put the Yazidi girl up for sale on the
dark web. On October 26, the first hearing of the trial against the ISIS
member was held by the Ankara 15th High Criminal Court. The ISIS member
stands trial on charges of <human trafficking>. Sabbah Ali Oruç was
released despite the lawyers' demands for his arrest. On the same day,
Artı Gerçek revealed that the Turkish Ministry of Family and Social
Policies had handed over the Yazidi girl to the family of the ISIS
member to stay with them for a weekend.
'ISIS members walk freely in Turkey'
The Yazidi Free Women's Movement (Kurdish: Tevgera Azadiya Jinen
Ezidi-TAJE) released a written statement on November 1 calling for
justice for the Yazidi girl and the arrest of the ISIS member. <ISIS
members walk freely in Turkey,> said Hilwa Feqîr, council member of the
Shengal (Sinjar) Self-Administration, in an interview with NuJINHA.
Speaking about the genocidal attacks on the Yazidi community, she said,
<ISIS abducted thousands of Yazidi women and girls in 2014. An ISIS
leader in Turkey held a Yazidi girl named Ayşe captive. He is originally
Turkish. Unfortunately, neither the girl was rescued nor an arrest
warrant was issued for the ISIS leader. ISIS took the abducted Yazidi
children to Turkey.>
'They cannot annihilate the Yazidis'
Recalling the statement of Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan saying that
the Israel attacks on the Gaza Strip are crimes against humanity, Hilwa
Feqir said, <Aren't Erdogan's attacks on Shengal, Rojava and Makhmour
the same as the attacks on Palestine? This land is very sacred to us. We
will not give our sacred land to anyone. Erdogan and other states cannot
annihilate the Yazidis.> Hilwa Feqir also said that Ayşe is not the only
Yazidi girl held captive by ISIS in Turkey. Thousands of Yazidi girls
may be held captive by ISIS in Turkey because ISIS members walk freely
in Turkey. But the Yazidis will ensure justice for Ayşe and other Yazidi
girls held captive by ISIS. The Turkish state, ISIS, the spies and
enemies among us will all be held accountable. We will keep struggling
to rescue all Yazidi women and girls held captive by ISIS.> >>
Jinha - Womens News Agency - 1 Nov 2023 - by HADEEL Al-OMAR
<<Women victims of unofficial marriages in Idlib have no rights
Idlib- The number of unofficial marriages in Idlib increases. Women
victims of unofficial marriages have to first prove that they are
married to get their rights and custody of their children.
'I cannot prove that I am married'
Raghdaa Al-Yassin (31), a displaced woman living in the Atma refugee
camp in Idlib, is a victim of unofficial marriage. She had an unofficial
marriage five years ago. <I have been deprived of all rights. My life
was turned upside down because I did not know anything about laws. I had
a marriage according to customs and traditions. Since my husband did not
use his real name, I cannot prove that I am married. For this reason, I
cannot ask for alimony.>
Her child has no ID card
Having a child, Raghdaa Al-Yassin said, <My child has no ID card and is
listed as an 'unregistered person'. My child has no nationality or
identity and rights. Victims of unofficial marriages cannot ask for
alimony or get custody of their children and they have no right to
inherit. They cannot even prove their marriages.>
'He refused our marriage'
The story of Heba Al-Surani (29) is similar to the other victims of
unofficial marriages. When she decided to ask for a divorce, her husband
refused their marriage. <There are no official documents that prove my
marriage. I cannot even prove that my child is my child. I have no legal
She tries to prove her marriage to get custody of her child
Heba al-Surani asked for an official marriage from her husband,
<However, he always postponed the official marriage. All women in the
camp suffer from the same situation. I have been trying to prove my
marriage for months to get custody of my child.>
A phenomenon that deprives women of their rights
Human rights defender Rula Al-Diab said that many women living in IDPs
camps suffer from unofficial marriages. <Such marriages have become a
social issue, a phenomenon that deprives women of their rights. Women
and children are the victims of such marriages. Awareness-raising
campaigns and activities should be carried out.> >>
Viyan Hesen
Jinha - Womens News Agency - 1 Nov 2023 - by EBIR MUHEMED
<<Rezimane Kurmanci: Kurdish grammar book
Qamishlo- In an interview with NuJINHA, Kurdish Language Institute
Co-chair Viyan Hesen, one of the writers of <Rezimane Kurmanci>, a
grammar book in Kurmanji dialect of the Kurdish language, talked about
the book. Before the revolution in North and East Syria, the Kurdish
language was banned and it was taught secretly. After the revolution,
people were encouraged to learn the Kurdish language. <Now, Kurdish
children speak their own mother language. It has been taught in schools
for 12 years,> said Viyan Hesen.
It comprises six chapters
<Rezimane Kurmanci> comprises chapters. Speaking about the chapters of
the book, Viyan Hesen said, <Six chapters include grammar and spelling
rules. In the writing chapter, we tried to include the issues that have
been discussed for two or three years. The book also includes topics
such as phonetics, morphology, poetry, spelling and punctuation.> The
book also includes a list of terms in five Kurdish dialects, Kurmanji,
Zazaki (Kirmancki), Sorani, Gorani and Pahlewani. <We prepared the list
to bring all dialects together. In addition, we wanted to form a unity
among the dialects.>
'We waited for months to receive the reference books'
Pointing to the challenges faced by them while writing the book, she
said, <There were not many reference books that we could accredit.
Sometimes, we waited for months to receive the reference books. In
addition, the current war conditions in North and East Syria delayed the
publication of the book. Many times, we stopped working because of the
Turkish attacks on the region both during the preparation and
publication of the book.>
'It will serve next generations'
Viyan Hesen has been teaching Kurdish language in North and East Syria
for 12 years. She has also held seminars on the Kurdish language.
Writing a Kurdish grammar book is her first experience. <Being a writer
at a young age was an important experience for me. Being one of the
writers of the book is a pleasure for me. This book is a product of the
revolution in North and East Syria. It will serve next generations.> >>
Source incl. video:
Statue remembering Arin Mirkan
Jinha - Womens News Agency - 1 Nov 2023 - by NORŞIN ABDİ
<<'The resistance in Kobane turned into a global solidarity'
Kobane - ISIS, emerged with the support of regional and international
powers, committed crimes against humanity in North and East Syria. Nine
years ago, a great resistance led by women and YPJ fighters took place
in Kobanê against ISIS. The liberation of the city showed that the
people would not give up their freedom and would not accept slavery.
During the resistance in Kobane in 2014, people took to the streets all
around the world to support the resistance. Since 2014, the
International Day of Solidarity with Kobani has been celebrated on
November 1.
'The resistance in Kobane turned into a global solidarity'
In an interview with NuJINHA, Helen Hajim, Co-chair of the Social
Affairs and Labor Authority in Kobane, commented on the role of women in
the resistance of Kobane. <In a small city, known as the castle of
determination and resistance, young Kurdish women and men exhibited a
great resistance. The victory was won by paying a heavy price. ISIS was
defeated as a result of a great resistance in a small city like Kobane.
The strength and will of our fighters and people are stronger than ISIS.
The resistance in Kobane turned into a global solidarity,> she said.
'Fighters all around the world joined the resistance'
In her speech, Helen Hajim emphasized that the main target of ISIS was
the women's revolution and the system based on democracy in North and
East Syria. <The Turkish state supported ISIS to destroy the revolution
and system. The Turkish state aimed to occupy Kobane and then other
parts of North and East Syria. The resistance started by free women
turned into an international resistance; fighters all around the world
joined the resistance. Now, there are dozens of books and articles
telling the resistance in Kobane.>
'Arin Mîrkan became the symbol of courage'
Helen Hajim also talked about Arin Mirkan, a commander in the YPJ who
sacrificed herself fighting against ISIS in Kobane on October 5, 2014.
<She became the symbol of courage and resistance of the Kurdish women.>
There is statue remembering Arin Mirkan in Kobane. <The statue was built
in over three months. The statue symbolizes the resistance in Kobane,
the strong will of women fighters, mothers, who stood with their
children in the resistance and the Kurdish women. This statue is very
important for the people of Kobane and women as it represents the
identity of the Kurdish women who fought ISIS.> Helen Hajim pointed out
that the statue represents hundreds of women fighters, such as Arîn,
Revan, Beritan, and Avesta. <The statue represents all resisting Kurdish
women and one of them was Arîn Mirkan, who sacrificed herself to end the
darkness of ISIS. Now, Kobane is under attack again. Those who supported
the resistance in Kobane should stand with the people of Kobanê again.
The people, who defeated ISIS, are subjected to the ongoing Turkish
attacks today.>>
Source incl. video:
Note by Gino d'Artali: Read also
<<Each street of Kobane bears traces of resistance...> at
Saliha Aydeniz
Jinha - Womens News Agency - 1 Nov 2023 - by MEDINE MAMEDOGLU
<<DBP Co-chair Saliha Aydeniz: The address for solution of crises is
Amed- No news has been received from Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan in
Imrali prison for 32 months. Two separate declarations calling for his
physical freedom and a democratic solution to the Kurdish question were
released in Istanbul and Amed (Diyarbakır) at the weekend. The
declarations signed by politicians, journalists, intellectuals and
artists pointed to the crisis suffered by the Middle East and Turkey. In
an interview with NuJINHA, Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Co-chair
Saliha Aydeniz commented on the declarations.
'The role undertaken by Mr. Ocalan gives hope to the people'
Speaking about the project aiming to democratize the Middle East, Saliha
Aydeniz said that Turkey aims to prevent the democratization of the
Middle East with the support of international powers. “In the
declarations, we drew attention to this solution proposal and emphasized
that Mr. Abdullah Ocalan must be free for this concrete proposal to be
implemented. The role undertaken by Mr. Ocalan gives hope not only to
the Kurdish people but also to people all around the world. Today,
intellectuals and writers in many parts of the world announce that they
oppose the isolation imposed on Mr.Ocalan and start a campaign to ensure
his physical freedom. We express our support to the campaign by
releasing a declaration signed by hundreds.>
Democratic solution for crises
Speaking about the attempts to build peace from 1923 to 2015, Saliha
Aydeniz said, <The Kurdish question has not been resolved because the
Republic of Turkey is not a democratic republic. More democratic methods
should be followed in order to find a democratic solution to the crises
in this system before they deepen. Mr. Ocalan is the main interlocutor,
who can take initiative and produce a solution. During the peace
process, Mr. Abdullah Ocalan showed that the Kurdish question could be
resolved through democratic means. The system has been responding to
this solution proposal by imposing an aggravated isolation on him in
Imrali since 2015.>
'The gains of the Kurdish people are targeted'
Saliha Aydeniz added, <Today, the Middle East suffers from conflicts and
crises. Years ago, Mr. Ocalan pointed to the conflicts and wars suffered
by the Middle East and proposed solutions to end conflicts and wars in
the Middle East. However, an isolation is imposed on him and the gains
of the Kurdish people are targeted by the Turkish state. The silence
against the war crimes committed in Bashur (Southern Kurdistan), in
Rojava and Makhmour, is an attack on the construction of a democratic
Middle East.>
'The paradigm of a democratic nation is the only solution'
In her speech, Saliha Aydeniz highlighted that the isolation imposed on
Abdullah Ocalan must end to ensure peace in both the Middle East and
Turkey. <We say that building a democratic system is possible. The
revolution in Rojava gives hope to the whole world today. All people saw
that this system is not a utopia after the revolution. We believe that
the paradigm of a democratic nation developed by Mr. Ocalan is the only
solution. In the declaration, we call for the physical freedom of Mr.
Öcalan because Mr. Ocalan is a great chance for both the democratization
of Turkey and the Middle East.> >>
Source incl. video:
Iman abu assaf
Jinha - Womens News Agency - 31 Oct 2023
<<'The real face of the Syrian government was revealed in Sweida'
Sweida- The peaceful protests erupted in the Druze majority city of
Sweida over the high inflation rate and deteriorating economic situation
in Syria on August 17, 2023 continue. In an interview with NuJINHA, Iman
Abu Assaf, member of the Human Rights Organization in Sweida, commented
on the Syrian crisis and the ongoing protests in Sweida.
'People were driven to hunger and misery'
Iman Abu Assaf pointed out that the protest movement in Syria erupted
spontaneously. <Totalitarian parties and dictatorial governments ignored
the demands of the people. The people were driven to hunger and misery
by the Syrian regime. The people were suffering from economic and social
crises. Only some parts of society enjoyed justice and equality while
ethnic groups suffered from injustice. The protest movement erupted due
to the policies of the regime.>
'The concepts of regionalism, racism and discrimination emerged'
Iman Abu Assaf thinks that political parties were turned into sectarian
and tribal parties before the Syrian crisis. <Therefore, the concepts of
regionalism, racism and discrimination emerged. Each revolution started
by people has more than a way, manifestation and form. Now, we are in a
new revolutionary way. The economic crisis deepens every day and people
suffer from poverty. If the regime keeps carrying out the same policies
and if the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254 is not
implemented, the situation will be worse.>
'The real face of the Syrian government was revealed in Sweida'
Iman Abu Assaf pointed out that those who criticize the Syrian
government took to the streets in Sweida. <Before the peaceful protests
erupted in Sweida, the regime controlled everything; many people were
arrested every day. People were oppressed and targeted. Women were
arrested, killed and raped. The people took to the streets to protest
not only the high inflation rate and deteriorating economic situation
but also oppressive policies of the Syrian government. The real face of
the Syrian government as revealed in Sweida. The popular movement in
Sweida uncovered the rights violations committed by the regime. This
movement has shown that the Syrian government is an atrocious and
dictatorial government targeting all groups in the country. Women have
suffered a lot during the rule of the Assad regime.>
'Women cannot enjoy their rights despite the laws'
Speaking about the laws protecting women's rights, she said, <Women
cannot enjoy their rights despite the laws. The Ba'ath Party amended the
laws to silence feminists; however, the laws have not been effectively
implemented. Women are seen as decorative objects in political parties
and organizations. We are against this.>
'Everyone should be free'
Many women were detained while protesting the government in Sweida and
they faced mistreatment in detention centers. Iman Abu Assaf said, <The
mistreatment faced by women has been documented,> said Iman Abu Assaf.
<These women now receive physiological support. The relatives of some
women became the victims of enforced disappearance in the regime's
detention centers. The women began to participate in the labor force due
to the deteriorating economic situation because they were the only
breadwinners of their families. A society cannot be free unless the
women are free. Everyone in society should be free.> >>
Source incl. video:
Jinha - Womens News Agency - 31 Oct 2023 - by HESNA MIHEMED
<<'Our resistance will win and Erdogan will leave our land'
Shahba- The Turkish state has intensified its attacks on North and East
Syria since October 5. The ongoing Turkish attacks target critical
infrastructure, civilians including women and children. The women of
Shahba think that the Turkish state aims to destroy the unity and
solidarity formed by the Rojava Revolution among Kurds, Arabs, Armenians
and Turkmens and cause conflicts.
'No one could damage our unity'
<People strengthen their unity against genocidal attacks,> said İlfet
Henan, a Kurdish woman from Afrin. <The people of North and East Syria
gather around the system based on democracy to ensure their unity. The
Turkish state has intensified its attacks on our region to damage our
unity and cause conflicts among people. The Turkish state should know
that no one could damage our unity because our children built this unity
by sacrificing their lives. We are determined and have a strong will to
repel the attacks.>
'We support each other'
Mecdolin Şexo, an Arab woman from Shahba Canton, reacted to the ongoing
Turkish attacks on North and East Syria and said, <The people of North
and East Syria, including Arabs, Kurds, Turkmens and Armenians, have an
equal and just life based on democracy. Our stance against the attacks,
our unity and solidarity are our response to the attacks. We always
support each other and we will always be in solidarity with each other.
Our resistance will win and Erdogan will leave our land because this
country is our country. The ideology of leader Apo (Abdulllah Ocalan)
makes us stronger.> >>
Jinha - Womens News Agency - 30 Oct 2023 - by HADEEL Al-OMAR
<<Divorced, widowed women face societal pressures in Idlib
Idlib- Women living in the city of Idlib, occupied by the Turkish state
and Turkish-backed faction named Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) face
oppression in all spheres of life. Especially divorced and widowed women
face more societal pressures. According to statistics, the number of
women, who lost their husbands in the 12-year Syrian war, is more than
13,000. Although no work has yet been carried out about the number of
divorced women in the city, the number of divorced women is very high.
29-year-old Rawa'a Arafat, who lives in Deir Hassan camp of Idlib, feels
like she has been imprisoned since she lost her husband. <I am subjected
to verbal abuse by my siblings, my mother and even my neighbors. Since I
wanted to live with my children, I refused to remarry. However, I am
subjected to cruel looks and words from people. This situation restricts
my life; I have to be careful about what I wear and what I say.> Rawa'a
Arafat was asked to leave her children and remarry by her family. <I
refused so I face financial problems. My husband's family provides
economic support to my children and me. But I can barely afford food
supplies with the money they give me.>
'I am mentally exhausted'
Ramya Al-Rammah is a divorced woman in Idlib. Speaking about the
societal pressures faced by her after her divorce, she said, <I
struggled to get divorced from my abusive husband but the consequences
of being a divorced woman are very severe. I was often subjected to
violence by my ex-
husband so I suffered from serious health problems and psychological
problems. I lost my trust in men because of the mistreatment that I was
subjected to by him. I am mentally exhausted due to societal pressures.>
'Women need laws that protect them'
Reem Abdel Aziz, a family therapist in Idlib, says that divorced and
widowed women are subjected to harassment, verbal and physical violence
in society. <Many divorced and widowed women commit suicide because they
are subjected to societal pressures in society. NGOs should carry out
awareness-raising activities to change our society. Women also need laws
that protect them. Divorced and widowed women want to make decisions on
their own lives.> >>
Jinha - Womens News Agency - 30 Oct 2023 - by EBIR MUHEMED
<<Women in Newroz camp: We are very tired of the war
Derik - Thousands of people have been displaced from their homelands as
result of the Turkish attacks targeting civilians and civilian
settlements in North and East Syria. Newroz camp is one of the six
internally displaced person camps built in the Cizir Region for the
forcibly displaced people. The camp is the home of 1,300 families
forcibly displaced from Serekaniye (Ras al-Ayn), Gire Spi (Tell Abyad),
Afrin and Til Temir. NuJINHA spoke to the women living in the camp about
the ongoing Turkish attacks on the region.
10 people live in a tent
Sultana Abbas had to leave her village Zirganlı with her family four
years ago. <We had to leave our houses because of Turkish President
Tayyip Erdoğan. We and our children have suffered a lot. Before we had a
good life. We are a family of 10 but have only a tent. We have to live
in a tent together,> she told us.
'We are very tired of the war'
<We had a life with dignity in our village,> said Sultana Abbas.
<Neither I nor my children can sleep comfortably because of the fear of
war. We want a safe life. We are very tired of the war. We do not want
to live as displaced people anymore. In addition, we suffer from a
deteriorating economic crisis and price hikes.>
'They have displaced thousands'
Xanim Gur, who had to leave Serekaniye after the Turkish state and
Turkish-backed factions occupied the city in 2019, settled in Newroz
camp with her family after taking shelter in many camps. <We do not know
what Tayyip Erdogan wants from us. The attacks on us were inhuman
attacks. The Turkish state aims to depopulate the region. It has
displaced thousands and now it targets our infrastructure in its
attacks. People's life sources are attacked. The winter is coming, what
will we do in winter if we do not have fuel? In summer, people suffer
from overheating in tents while they suffer from freezing weather in
winter.> >>
Source incl. video:
Liberation Front 2019/ 2023