formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front

Welcome to, formerly known as Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  babout the 21th. century feminist revolution as well especially the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the and the uprisings of our sisters in other parts of the Middle-east. This online magazine that started December 2019 is published every week. Thank you for your time and interest.
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 

You are now at the Iran 'Woman, Life, Freedom'  section

For the 'Women's Arab Spring 1.2' Revolt news click here  





The face of Iran's protests. Her life, her dreams and her death.

In memory of Jina 'Mahsa' Amini, the cornerstone of the 'Zan. Zendegi. Azadi revolution.
16 February 2023 | By Gino d'Artali

And also
Read all about the assasination of the 22 year young Jina Mahsa Amini (Kurdistan-Iran) and the start of the Zan, Zendegi, Azadi (Women, life, freedom) revolution in Iran  2022
and the latest news about the 'Women Live Freedom' Revolution per month in
2024: May wk5 -- May wk 4 part3 -- May wk4 part2 -- May wk4   --  overview per month
and 2023: Dec wk 5 part 2 -- Dec wk 5 -- Dec week 4-3 -- Dec wk3 -- Dec 17 - 10 -- Dec week 2 and 1 -- click here for a menu overview November - Januari 2023

Tribute to KIAN PIRFALA, 9 years old and victim of the Islamic Republic's savagery 10 years ago. Update December 23, 2023

Editorial by G. d'A.: Dear reader, as a webmaster also I constantly have to guard the read-ability of the 'Cryfreedom'-outlet and sometimes decisions need to be made to have it be for your convenience and moreso in total support of the women-led revolt in Iran which inevitably will be a grand Victory. Still, choices must be made always and so I've decided to, for now, embed all the actual news about the 'NO-hijab; 'Biological terror attscks against schoolgirls'; 'Iranian journalists under siege'; 'Blinding as a weapon' and 'The hanging spree' as part of the 'Actual news' updates of the Iran 'Woman, Life, Freedom' section. But, if need be and urgent attention and action is needed concerning the above mentioned topics it will get an extra emphasized place as part of the actual news page-layout. Thank you for being a reader and for your support of the 'Woman, Life, Freedom' revolution.
Click here for the previously tabled topics


Here we are to enter THE IRANIAN WOMEN'S REVOLUTIONISTS against
the supreme leader, the arch-reactionary Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and his placeman president, Ebrahim Raisi. The message of the women when he visited a university is plain: <give way or get lost> in 2023.
  Click here for a total list so far

Dear reader, from here on the 'Woman, Life, Freedom' pages menu will look a bit different and this to avoid too many pop-ups ,meaning the underlined period  in yellow tells you in what period you are and click on another underlinded period to go there. However, when needed a certain topic will be in yellow meaning it's a link to go that topic and will open in a new window. If you dissagree about any change feel more than free to let me know what you think at
This does not count for the  above topics which, when clicked on, will still appear in a pop-up window and for now the 'old' lay-out 'till I worked that all out. Thank you. Gino d'Artali
(Updates May 31, 2024) z


Articles about JINA
March 4 - February 27, 2024:
<<Iranian Teacher Arrested for <Illegal Gathering> at Mahsa Amini's Grave...
and more news

UPDATE: February 12 , 2024:
<<Unlawfully Imprisoned Activist and Organizer of Mahsa Jina Amini's Funeral Must Be Released on Medical Grounds
<<Mahsa Amini's Father: <Everything They Have Said and Shown is Lies>
By Diako Alavi, a journalist from Saqqez and family friend of Mahsa Amini 
Jina Amini, the face of Irans uprising and revolution:
November 15, 2023 - <<Iranian Woman Arrested on Jinas' Anniversary Tells Her Story...>
December 12, 2023 - <<EU Remembers Mahsa Amini at Sakharov Prize Awarding Ceremony...>

December 23, 2023 - <<Saleh Nikbakht Interrogated at Khomeini Airport and the Sakharov Prize confiscated by Iranian security forces...>

We all grief for the loss of our sister / daughter of Iran Armita Gevarnand:

Read her story here


Updates of Jina Aminis' Revolution:
Part 16: December 28 - 16, 2023

Part 17: January 23 - 6, 2024
Part 18: March 4 - February 8, 2024

and links to earlier parts
Gino d'artali's opinion: We mourn AND fight!

And read also




December 31, 2023 - Preface about the below 3 heroines of Iran by Gino d'Artali : Beacons of hope and inspiration on the road towards a long and free Iran . * Jina Amini, our sister/daughter who martyred herself for freedom; *Narges Mohammadi, our sister and as I call her 'mother of a free Iran' and winner of the Nobel Prize of Freedom 2023 and sentenced five times to a total of 31 years in prison and 154 lashes but who refuses to give in to the mullahs' regime to wear a hijab or bow to their demands and therefore is refused medical care although needing it badly and bringing her live in danger but says "Victory is not easy, but it is certain"  * and Maryam Akbari Monfared, our sister who's encarcerated since 15 years and refuses to bow down to the mullahs saying "Finally, one day, I will sing the song of victory from the summit of the mountain, like the sun. Tomorrow belongs to us"
Read all about them here and let them inspire you on your road towards a long and free Iran or as we say in the West: 'Three strikes and the mullahs' regime is out'
Be the finalizing strike dear and brave dissent




A to VICTORY tribute to
Update May 6, 2024
"Tyranny will fall"

Update April 25, 2024
Narges Mohammadi Condemns Death Sentence of Iranian Rapper Toomaj Salehi...
April 10, 2024
"Nobel Laureate Critiques 'Baseless' Case Against Iranian Activists

"Victory is not easy, but it is certain"
watch it here : 
January 23, 2024
"The more of us they lock-up the stronger we become"...

Click here for a news-overview from January 15, 2024 'till October 31, 2023





And do read the incredible update!

despite the mullahs' regime to force it down!
And her mother speaks out loud and clear











Dec 30, 2023: Not bowing for the mullahs' regime she says: "Finally, one day, I will sing the song of victory from the summit of the mountain, like the sun. Tomorrow belongs to us"


May 27, 2024
Zhina Modarres Gorji, Kurdish Women's Sentenced to 21 Years



April 30, 2024
Atena Farghadani - Target on her back

Click here for more stories of Heroines of Iran 

April 20, 2024
Suma Pour-Mohammadi sentenced to 11 years in prison

February 22, 2024 - RED ALERT
Leaked Documents Give Glimpse of Repression in Iran

Please do read the following articles with mostly very 'Inspiring Stories' - click on the underlined topics -
May 25, 2024: The right to freedom
May 23, 2024: raisi paying the price for being corrupt now
May 22, 2024: Demanding Womens Rights and Freedoms
Earlier stories:
May 6, 2024: The Repressive Hijab Crackdown Continues with CCTV Cameras
Click here for previous inspiring stories and  articles incl. Red Alerts

'The mullahs' regime / OHCHR* gallows' dance'

Update on this page:
raisi is dead but will pay for his heinous crimes
and other stories

May 15 - 2, 2024
Prisoners continue hungerstrikes against executions
and other news
May 7 - April 30, 2024
Most urgent call to safe Khosrow Besharat and other appeals
April 24, 2024
Death Sentence on Activist Musician Toomaj Salehi

*OHCHR - UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Click here for earlier reports

May 24 - 23, 2024
<<Ahmadinejad Allies and Critics Clash on Social Media Over Controversial Posts...
and <<Charlie Hebdo Features Ebrahim Raisi in Satirical Cartoons...
and <<Arrests and Threats Ramp Up in Iran After President Raisi's Death...
and <<Bank accounts of Shirin Najafi blocked...
and <<Marzieh Momeni, an Activist Opposing Mandatory Hijab Arrestedy by Iranian Security Forces...
and <<Iran Executes Youth for Crime Committed at 16...
and <<Another Person Arrested Over Social Media Post on Iranian President's Death...
and more news but most with a 'give way or go away' yell!

 and it will also bring you through more news in May 2024  

When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

Iranwire - 23 May 2024 - by AREZOO KARIMI
Raisi's Corrupt Rule of Imam Reza's Religious/Commercial Conglomerate
Ebrahim Raisi oversaw Astan Quds Razavi from February 2016 to March 2020. This institution, often referred to as the financial empire of the leader of the Islamic Republic, is known for its vast but opaque economic and financial activities, which are not subject to independent oversight.
Astan Quds Razavi's financial network, shrouded in secrecy, dominates its substantial revenues.
It leverages state resources in sectors ranging from oil and gas to pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and car manufacturing. Despite this significant income, during his presidency, Raisi opted to increase taxes on workers, employees, and businesses by 50 to 70 per cent to address the government budget deficit.
However, he did not advocate for taxing Astan Quds Razavi.
The leadership of Astan Quds Razavi in Mashhad has been characterized by claims of superficiality and showmanship, with assertions of increasing profitability, suspension of construction activities, political maneuvering, and the use of financial and credit resources for election campaigns. There has also been a tendency to deflect and project in response to questions and criticisms. Before the 1979 revolution, Astan Quds Razavi's activities were limited to collecting offerings from the public and distributing them among the needy. Its endowment properties were mostly the land surrounding the tomb of the 8th Shia Imam and some nearby shops. However, after the revolution, Astan Quds Razavi's operations expanded significantly, transforming it into the largest waqf collection in the Islamic world. Its growth in endowment properties and economic activities has earned it the title of the financial empire of Astan Quds, with a turnover reaching billions of dollars. Astan Quds Razavi is now active in various economic sectors, including civil and construction, finance and trade, agriculture and animal husbandry, food and medicine, industry and mining, automotive, energy and oil and gas, information and communication technology, education, culture and media, and pharmaceuticals. More than half of the land in Mashhad is owned by Astan Quds and is leased out, with a significant portion of transaction prices from property sales going to the institution. Its endowment properties are not limited to Mashhad; they are spread across Khorasan Razavi, North and South Khorasan, Tehran, Qazvin, East and West Azarbaijan, Isfahan, Yazd, Kerman, Mazandaran, Fars, Golestan, Gilan, Semnan, Khuzestan, as well as in Afghanistan and Azerbaijan.
According to the latest statistics, Astan Quds has over 350,000 tenants in Mashhad alone.
The issue of Astan Quds Razavi's tax obligations has been a point of contention. Critics argue that, given its extensive use of government facilities and preferential currency, it should be required to pay taxes on its significant earnings from factories, companies, affiliated institutions, and agricultural holdings. Despite its substantial profits, the institution has faced criticism for not paying taxes, which is seen as an unjust advantage.
Ebrahim Raisi responded to criticisms by asserting, <They don't tax people's donations.> As the eighth president of the Islamic Republic, Raisi is known for raising the tax rate in budget bills. He presented a controversial justification for Astan Quds's tax exemption, stating, <We are helping the poor with 10 times the money we are going to pay in taxes.> In a speech at Mashhad University, he added, <God forbids those who created the doubt of the Astan Quds tax in their minds.>
Instrumental and Political Use of Religious Figures
Critics have accused Raisi of using the 8th Imam of the Shia for political purposes, citing actions such as the distribution of free bags of flour and rice from Astan Quds in villages during elections. Some claim that tens of billions were extravagantly spent on election campaigns from Astan Quds funds. Raisi has denied these accusations.
Claims of Profitability in Astan Quds Razavi
Raisi has repeatedly claimed to have turned loss-making companies within Astan Quds into profitable entities, increasing work efficiency and profitability. However, without access to Astan Quds's financial statements, which are not subject to any auditing body, it is difficult to verify these claims. On the contrary, the increase in Astan Quds's debt to the banking network and the decrease in income from affiliated companies suggest the opposite of Raisi's assertions.
Special Private Protection Unit
Raisi established the Astan Quds Razavi property protection unit, an independent police force, arguing that the property and endowment places were being stolen by malicious individuals. This force, which operates independently of other military organs, has been perceived as a private army for Astan Quds Razavi. The autonomy and power of Astan Quds guardians have caused dissatisfaction, particularly in Mashhad. This power extends to canceling and preventing concerts and film screenings in Khorasan provinces, even those officially licensed by the government or the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance. Notable cancellations include Salar Aghili's concert in Sabzevar and the prevention of Shahram Nazari and Kihan Kalhor's concert in Neishabur.
Private TV Channel for Astan Quds Razavi
As the head of Astan Quds Razavi, Raisi initiated the launch of the <Haram Razavi> television channel, dedicated to broadcasting live images of the tomb of the 8th Shia Imam continuously. This move aimed to enhance the religious and cultural influence of Astan Quds. In addition to the TV channel, Raisi also established a comprehensive public communication service center and launched the national 138 telephone system to facilitate public engagement with Astan Quds.
Attempts to Establish a Private Bank
Raisi planned to establish a private bank for Astan Quds Razavi.
The objective was to create a financial institution where the financial transactions of affiliated companies or sub-groups of Astan Quds Razavi could not be monitored or investigated.
However, he failed to realize this plan.
Five months after assuming the presidency, Raisi criticized the government's lack of cooperation, stating: <Today, the ground has been laid for the establishment of an usury-free bank.>
Financial Corruption Scandals
Despite Raisi's anti-corruption stance, Astan Quds Razavi was embroiled in a financial scandal. Earlier this year, documents revealed a $22 million embezzlement related to the import of car tyres. In 2019, Razavi's supply chain management paid $80 million in government currency for importing 200,000 tyres, but there was a $22 million deficit. The individuals involved in this embezzlement have since been appointed to various positions in Raisi's government. For instance, Alireza Peyman Pak, who was the manager of the Razavi supply chain company, acquired key positions in the government and currently oversees its executive-economic management.
Governance and Taxation Contradictions
Comparing Raisi's administration of Astan Quds Razavi with his presidency reveals similarities in his governance style. The most notable contradiction is his stance on taxation. While his government collects taxes from the public, Astan Quds Razavi remains resistant to tax collection.>>

Women's Liberation Front 2019/ 2024