formerly known as
Women's Liberation Front

Welcome to, formerly known as.Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution and especially for the 'Woman, Life, Freedom' (translated the Zan, Zendagi, Azadi)  uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in the Middle East.
This online magazine started December 2019 as a monthly and will now be published evey two weeks and concerning the 'Women, Life, Freedom' revolution in Iran every week. Thank you for your time and interest.
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and women's rights activist 

For the Women's Arab Spring 1.2 Revolt click here
For the Iran section click here




<<'Afghanistan should be cleared from the Taliban'....
'Women will unite and overthrow the Taliban'....
<The taliban is afraid of woman!>....
<Kafaa Al-Khazim, who lives in Raqqa city of North and East Syria, is one of these women.
'I want to smash the borders drawn for women'....
and more resisting news know who
<<Call on all organizations to unite against Taliban in   Afghanistan....
 June / May / April 4 2023
A mother to her sons: <Girls are God's blessings; no one should take their rights away. Our daughters make our home a place of light and they are the sunshine on our lands. My sons, the future men of our society, should not succumb to patriarchal thoughts; they should build a more democratic society. Long live Afghanistan.>....
MARCH 2023

29 - 6 March 2023
<Before the taiban realises what will hit them a Zan, zendagi, azadi!> (Women, life, freedom) tsunami will flow all over the country!> Gino d'Artali, activist ...
MARCH 2023
24 February 2023 - 30 Dec 2022
25 January 2023 - 30 December 2022

Click here for an overview  of 2022 - '21


When one hurts or kills a wom
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali


Read all about the Zan, Zendagi, Azadi!> (Women, Life, Freedom) Women-led Revolution in Iran by clicking here

FRANCE 24 - August 15, 2023 - Text by NEWS WIRES
<<Two years on from Taliban takeover, Afghan women pay the price
Flags of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan - the name given to the country by its new rulers - fluttered at security checkpoints across the capital, which fell on August 15, 2021, when the US-backed government collapsed and its leaders fled into exile. In the two years since, Taliban authorities have imposed their strict interpretation of Islam on the country, with women bearing the brunt of laws the United Nations has termed <gender apartheid>. The parade, including scores of military vehicles and weapons left behind by international forces after a weeks-long chaotic withdrawal, was to be held in Kandahar, the cradle of the Taliban movement and from where reclusive Supreme Leader Hibatullah Akhundzada rules by decree.
Elsewhere, convoys of Taliban members are due to drive through the streets of Herat in the west, while in Kabul, the education ministry will host a celebration at a school in a part of the city once stacked with diplomats who are now thin on the ground - the Taliban government still unrecognised formally by any other country. The international community continues to grapple with how, and if, to engage with the Taliban authorities, with restrictions on women's rights - squeezed from public spaces and avenues to work and education - a key obstacle in negotiations over aid and recognition. A group of UN experts on Monday hit out at pledges by Taliban authorities of a softer rule than during their first stint in power from 1996 until 2001. <Despite reassurances by the Taliban de facto authorities that any restrictions, particularly in terms of access to education would be temporary, the facts on the ground have demonstrated an accelerated, systematic, and all engulfing system of segregation, marginalization and persecution,> the experts said in a statement.
'Want their freedom back'
Afghan women ahead of the anniversary have expressed fear and despair over the loss of rights - a handful holding small demonstrations, many of their faces covered with masks. But Afghans also pointed to worry over an economic and humanitarian crisis in motion since the Taliban takeover, as aid dried up and sanctions were imposed. Farmer Rahatullah Azizi told AFP he used to earn a living off his crops but now has <just enough to eat>.>>
Read more and watch a video of women protesting here:
Opinion by Gino d'Artali: Non-discusable nor excusable fact is that the international community has abandoned the Afghanistan people in general and women and girls specifically and with with admitting that the taliban defeated them. In this I call the Americans who left first and like cowards with their tales between their legs.

JINHA - Womens News Agency - August 15, 2023
<<Message from Afghan women to TAJE: We are proud to fight together
Shengal (Sinjar)- On the second year of the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan, the Afghan women fighting the Taliban and the countries supporting the Taliban have sent a letter to the Yazidi Free Women's Movement (Kurdish: Tevgera Azadiya Jinen Ezidi-TAJE). Noting that Yazidi women are always in solidarity with them, Afghan women emphasized the importance of fighting together in the letter. The letter written by a woman named Ferîba on behalf of Afghan women starts with the greeting to fighting women. The statement said: <First of all, we would like to express our gratitude to our sisters who are in solidarity with Afghan women on the second anniversary of the misogynist Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan.
Unfortunately, the atmosphere in the country is getting worse day by day; the spaces of women are restricted. In this century, the main fundamental rights of women (For instance, the right to work and education, and the right to choose what they wear) are taken away from them. Women suffer from brutal practices, insecurity and poverty but they never give up resisting. As women, we struggle to raise our voices from every window against the religious fascism of the Taliban, which is the servant of American imperialism. We are proud to fight together with the inspiration and power we receive from Iranian brave women and the Kurdish Women's Freedom Movement. We send our endless love to you, our precious sisters.> >>
Note from Gino d'Artali: As journalist, womens rights activist and brother of all oppressed women in Afghanistan; Kurdistan; Iran and worldwide I send them my endless love too and my deepest respect for their bravery in fighting their oppressor.

JINHA - Womens News Agency - August 14, 2023
<<'Afghanistan should be cleared from the Taliban'
News Center- A group of Afghan women living in Iran has released a writing statement to mark the second anniversary of the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan.
The statement is as follows:
<On August 15, 2021, when the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, the lives of people collapsed and people lost their hope for the future. Collective and individual freedoms disappeared and darkness and ignorance disappeared. Two years have passed since the Taliban, a terrorist group, took control of Afghanistan. For two years, the whole world has witnessed all war crimes, inhuman practices against the people of Afghanistan. Forced displacement, genocidal attacks, racist discrimination and terrorism have become a part of Afghanistan. In the week of solidarity with the people of Afghanistan, we call on the protesters and organizers of global protests and demonstrations, the United Nations, the international community, international human rights organizations to be in solidarity with us and to hear our demands. Our first demand: Afghanistan is now the place and shelter of a group known as a terrorist group all around the world. The countries that have been involved in the issue of Afghanistan are responsible for preventing the terrorism in Afghanistan. Our second demand: The Doha Agreement signed by the United States and the Taliban, which caused the country to fall into the hands of the Taliban, the displacement of millions of people, poverty, gender-based discrimination must be cancelled. Our third demand: Afghan women make up one-half of Afghan society; however, they have been deprived of their rights by the Taliban. Afghan women demand their country to be cleared from the Taliban so that women will not be victims of gender-based violence and discrimination.> >>

FRANCE 24 - August 14 , 2023
<<Worry, relief, despair, pride: Afghans on life two years under the Taliban
Ahead of the August 15 anniversary of the fall of Kabul, four Afghans -- a businesswoman determined to keep her factory open, a farmer relieved by the war's end, a former Taliban fighter proud to serve the new government and a medical student forced to give up her studies -- told AFP how the changes have impacted them.
The entrepreneur working to keep her business afloat
Arezo Osmani was <terrified and sad> when the Taliban returned to power, promising the imposition of a stringent interpretation of Islam that has seen women barred from many avenues for work and education. <I didn't leave my room for 10 days, I thought that everything was over for me, and that it was the same for all Afghans,> said Osmani, 30, who started a company producing reusable sanitary pads in 2021. <But when I went out and saw that people were still going about their lives, it gave me hope and I told myself that I had to stay here too,> she said. She shuttered her business, which had employed 80 women at its peak, amid the uncertainty that gripped the country in the wake of the Taliban takeover. But she reopened its doors two months later as it was one of the few remaining places <where women could work>. Under the Taliban, women have been pushed out of most NGO and government jobs. Last month, beauty parlours -- another key source of income for women breadwinners -- were also shut down. <We slowly adjusted to the conditions, and fortunately, as we are a company and work in the health sector, we were able to continue our work, I feel good now,> she said. But a reduction in NGO activity in the country under Taliban authorities has hit her business hard, she said. She still employs 35 women, but buyers are scarce. <At the moment, we have no contracts, no buyers... if we are not able to sell the pads, it will be difficult to continue the work, but we are trying to stay on our feet,> said the mother-of-two. Despite the challenges, she is determined to do what she can for her country, its women in particular. <Afghanistan and our society need people like us who stay,> she said.
The farmer trying to make ends meet. Rahatullah Azizi is grateful for the improved security that has come with the end of the fighting. Now, as the 35-year-old tends his small farm in Parwan province, north of Kabul, he can <move around day and night without worries, thank God>. <There's been a lot of change> since August 2021. <Before it was war, now it's calm.> As a result of the armed conflict, around 38,000 civilians were killed and over 70,000 wounded between 2009 and 2020 alone, according to an annual report by the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA).However, the father-of-two is still weighed down by worry. Afghanistan's economy, already battered by decades of war, has been mired in crisis after billions of dollars in international aid were cut following the Taliban government's takeover. Economic output has collapsed and nearly 85 percent of the country lives in poverty, according to the latest report from the UN Development Programme. Drought and locusts have also plagued the country's crops. <People don't buy much of our produce any more,> said Azizi, who farms just over one hectare of rented land.>>
Read more here:

JINHA - August 11, 2023
<<Thousands of women gather for women of Afghanistan and Shengal
Qamishlo- The Kurdistan Women's Communities (Komalen Jinen Kurdistan-KJK) Coordination announced on July 31 that they would run a campaign from August 3 to August 15 to mark the anniversary of the ISIS attacks on Shengal on August 3 and the Taliban's seizure of power in Afghanistan on August 15 with the motto, <We Stand with Afghan women and women of Shengal against male attacks of hegemony>. Many events and activities have been held across North and East Syria to support the campaign. Yesterday, a rally was held in the city of Qamishlo with the participation of thousands of women. Carrying banners reading, <Jin, Jiyan, Azadi (Women, Life, Freedom)>, “Long live the struggling women” and <Towards Women's Revolution with Jin, Jiyan, Azadi> gathered at 12th March Stadium in Qamishlo. During the rally, Remziye Muhammed, coordinating member of Kongra Star made a speech. <August is the month of resurrection and resistance for the Kurdish people; however, the enemy has turned this month into a month full of massacres and genocide. The enemy aimed to commit a genocide especially against the Yazidi community. This genocide started in Shengal on August 3. Thousands of women, children and old people were brutally killed. Thousands were abducted; thousands of women and girls were sold in slave markets. Abducted children were trained to fight their people. The Yazidi community organized themselves and formed their self-government. They formed their own defense units such as YJŞ (Shengal Women's Units). Their unity and resistance are their response to the attacks of ISIS and the betrayal of the KDP (Kurdistan Democratic Party)> she said in her speech. Recalling the promise of YPJ (Women's Defense Units) to protect the women of Shengal, Remziye Muhammed said, <They have rescued hundreds of women until now. The people of Rojava always stand by the Yazidi people. They have made great efforts to heal the wounds of the Yazidi people. This is the biggest response to the betrayal.>
'We stand by Afghan women'
Highlighting that Afghan women have the power to protect their cities, neighborhoods and villages by forming their own defense units, Remziye Muhammed said, <As women of Rojava, North and East Syria, we will always stand by Afghan women.> Pointing to the importance of the unity of women, she added, <If women of Rojava, four parts of Kurdistan, Shengal, Afghanistan and all around the world do not unite, conspiracy and betrayal can destroy us. Our unity can protect us from all kinds of attacks, violence and femicide. Women all around the world should support the campaign launched by the KJK. We follow the philosophy of ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadi' created by leader Apo (Abdullah Ocalan). We will ensure freedom for women and society by chanting, 'Jin, Jiyan, Azadi'.> >>
'Women should unite and build their own confederalism'
Ebla Xelil, member of the Women's Coordination in the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, also made a speech during the rally. <After August 3, Yazidi women understood that they would face many attacks if they did not have their own defense units. They gained experience from the revolution in Rojava. They organized themselves and formed their own defense units. Afghan women are again dressed in black after 20 years and gaining many achievements. Throughout history, women always become the victims of wars and conflicts. Many crimes are committed against them and their rights are ignored. We call on all women to unite and build their own confederalism.> The rally ended after the performance of the women's theatre group of the Martyr Darsi Hilala Zerin.>>
Source incl. video:

JINHA Women's News Agency - August 8, 2023
<<Support from Shengal to women in Afghanistan
News Center- Yazidi and Arab women held a march in Shengal (Sinjar) led by the Yazidi Free Women's Movement (Kurdish: Tevgera Azadiya Jinen Ezidiii-TAJE) to be in solidarity with Afghan women. After the march, a statement was read by Seme Remo, member of the TAJE. <On August 3, 2014, Yazidi women and girls were abducted, killed and raped. We stand by those who raised their voices against the persecution faced by Yazidi women. Now, we raise our voices for them. Afghan women face the atrocity of the Taliban just as Yazidi women faced the atrocity of ISIS. As women, we suffer from the same persecution and we must unite against the patriarchal mentality,> the statement said.
'Women will win the victory'
The statement added, <Women will win the victory against the mentality aiming to silence women by chanting 'Jin, Jiyan, Azadi (Women, Life, Freedom)'. How ISIS failed to silence Yazidi women, the Taliban will not be able to silence Afghan women.> After the statement was read, women chanted, <Jin, Jiyan, Azadi>.>>
Source and video included:
Opinion by Gino d'Artali: The chant 'Woman, Life, Freedom' has also become a banner, a flag, under or which more and more women in the Arabic world are marching with and shouting for their rights and yes I thruly believe that Victory will be on their side. A shame really that women in the Western world abandon them and let them struggle alone. Shame on them!!

JINHA Women's News Agency - August 7, 2023 - by Baharin Lehib
<<Poverty, ban, conflict: Afghan children deprived of education for years
Kabul- Before the Taliban takeover in 2021, Afghan girls also suffered from poverty, ban, conflict and corruption. Although billions of dollars were sent to Afghanistan in 20 years when the country was controlled by the U.S.-backed government for the education of girls, this amount went missing.
During the 20-year of the U.S.-backed government, the corruption in the government increased due to lack of interest in the education for women and girls. In Maidan Wardak province, there were one or two schools for girls only until the ninth grade. Sajia Ghafari was going to school before the Taliban took control of Afghanistan in mid-August 2021. After the Taliban, she could not complete her education life like millions of other Afghan girls. Now, she attends a religious school because girls can only receive religious subjects. But Sajia Ghafari is interested in science subjects. <When we started attending the religious school, we were told we would have to take many subjects. But unfortunately, we have taken only religious subjects,> she told NuJINHA. The NuJINHA team spoke to many girls in the province and the majority told us that they could not go to school. Before the Taliban, girls could not go to school because the schools were far away from them and clashes broke out between the Taliban and the Hamid Karzai government. <We had to walk for hours to go to school and we sometimes got stuck in clashes. Our families decided not to send us to school because we were afraid,> said one of the girls. Since the Taliban have banned girls from attending schools, some volunteer teachers give lessons to girls at home. Some of the girls in the province told us that they attended the classes at home.>>
Source incl. video:

JINHA Women's News Agency - August 7, 2023
<<Taliban bans girl students over 10 from attending school
News Center- Since the takeover in August 2021, the Taliban have imposed many bans on girls and women. The Taliban have announced another ban on girl students; the Taliban officials have reportedly banned girls over 10 years old from attending primary school classes in some provinces of Afghanistan. According to a report by BBC Persian, officials from the Taliban-ruled Ministry of Education have told the principals of schools and short-term training classes in Ghazni province that <any girl over 10 years of age is not allowed to study in primary schools>. The Taliban have banned the girls over third grade from attending school.
The Taliban took power again after 20 years
Women and girls have been subjected to more oppression in Afghanistan. Since 2021, the Taliban have banned women and girls from travelling alone, entering parks, gyms and swimming pools. Recently, the Taliban have closed down all beauty and hair salons in the country, leaving thousands of women unemployed.>>

JINHA - August 1, 2023
<<Democratic Alevi Women's Union expresses solidarity with Yazidi and Afghan women
News Center- The Democratic Alevi Women’s Union has released a written statement to mark the anniversary of the genocide against the Yazidi community (August 3) and the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan (August 15).
'We will fight all kinds of disrespect'
The statement said, <Still women, children and young people are killed, kidnapped, executed, assassinated, imprisoned and tortured everywhere the Kurdish people live. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who was sitting in the palace of tyranny in Turkey when the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, said, 'There is not much difference between u'. By saying this, he showed that he wanted to turn Turkey into Afghanistan in terms of freedoms, beliefs and women.> In the statement, the Democratic Alevi Women's Union also expressed that they stood by the people, including women and children, who are oppressed in Afghanistan against the Taliban and the AKP-MHP regimes. <The Alevi people and women also face such attacks. We, as Alevi women, will keep fighting all kinds of disrespect, denial and assimilation. We, as the Democratic Alevi Women's Union, say that we are in solidarity with the people and women fighting against all kinds of disrespect, exploitation, violence and denial by chanting 'Jin, Jiyan, Azadi (Women, Life, Freedom)' and we condemn all crimes committed against humanity and nature and femicide.> >>

July 30, 2023
<<Afghanistan: Taliban burn musical instruments
Taliban's religious police reportedly burned a number of musical instruments in the western province of Herat, according to a Sunday report by the state-run news agency Bakhtar. Sheikh Aziz al-Rahman al-Muhajir, the provincial head of the Ministry of Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, said music led to <misguidance of the youth and the destruction of society,> according to the report. People could be corrupted, according to the official. The Taliban banned nonreligious music the last time it ruled the country in the 1990s. Pictures show officials gathered around a fire with musical instruments, including guitars, harmoniums and speakers. Afghanistan has a strong musical tradition, influenced by Iranian and Indian classical music. It also has a thriving pop music scene, adding electronic instruments and dance beats to more traditional rhythms. Both flourished in the past 20 years before the Taliban stormed to powerin 2021. But the Taliban has imposed harsh measures since seizing control of Afghanistan in August 2021 as US and NATO forces withdrew. Students and teachers of the Afghanistan National Institute of Music, which was once famous for its inclusiveness, have not returned to classes since the Taliban takeover. Many musicians have also fled the country.
Taliban's crackdown on women's rights
The Taliban promised a more moderate rule than that of their previous time in power in the 1990s. They had promised to allow for women's and minority rights. But instead, they reintroduced harsh measures in line with their strict interpretation of Islamic law, or Sharia. They have carried out public executions, banned education for girls beyong the sixth grade and also banned women from most forms of employment. Earlier this week, the Taliban announced that all beauty salons ought to be closed because they offered services forbidden by Islam and caused economic hardship for the familes of grooms during wedding festivities.>>
rm/jcg (AFP, dpa)

JINHA - Womens news agency - July 28 , 2023 - by BAHARIN LEHIB
<<'Women will unite and overthrow the Taliban'
Kabul- Since the takeover in August 2021, the Taliban have violated the rights of women and girls. Girls have been banned from secondary education for two years and female teachers working in boys' schools were fired or transferred to girls' schools. There is a lack of professional teachers at boys' schools. The Taliban's curriculum was published on social networks. The Taliban banned girls from taking the first round of university exams in 11 provinces. Last year, most of the girls taking the university entrance exam successfully passed the exam; however, they were not allowed to study journalism, economics, engineering, veterinary and agriculture. We spoke to Nazanin Wafa, one of the girls who graduated from high school last year but was not allowed to take this year's university entrance exam. She now teaches math and English to girls in a home-based school secretly. <The Taliban make their last efforts to oppress us, women,> she said. <I am not surprised I was not allowed to take the entrance exam. This was not the first ban on us. Last year, girls were not allowed to go to university although they successfully passed the university entrance exam. I know that women and girls are dealing with medieval people in the 21st century. We are at home for now, but we, as women, will finally unite and overthrow the medieval mindset of the Taliban.> >>

JINHA - Womens news agency - July 25 , 2023
<<Closure of beauty salons in Afghanistan leaves 60,000 women unemployed
News Center- Since the takeover in August 2021, the Taliban have intensified the repression on women and girls. At the beginning of July, Mullah Hibatullah Akhunzada, the Taliban's supreme leader, announced a ban on all women’s hair and beauty salons across Afghanistan in a month. The one-month deadline given by the Taliban has ended. About 12,000 beauty and hair salons across Afghanistan have been closed down. The closure of the beauty and hair salons has left more than 60,000 women unemployed. Since the Taliban takeover in 2021, women and girls have been deprived of their right to education and work.>>

JINHA - Womens news agency - July 24, 2023
<<RAWA expresses its solidarity with KJK
Kabul- The Kurdistan Women's Communities (Komalen Jinen Kurdistan-KJK) Coordination announced that they would run a campaign from August 3 to August 15 on the occasion of the anniversary of the ISIS attacks on Shengal on August 3 and the Taliban's seizure of power in Afghanistan on August 15 with the motto, <We Stand with Afghan women and women of Shengal against male attacks of hegemony>. The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) released a written statement on Saturday about the campaign of the KJK. The statement said, <On behalf of the oppressed women in Afghanistan, we express our gratitude to the KJK for standing with us and making their voices heard all around the world.>
The statement said, <Although Afghan women have been targeted by imperialist politics and Islamic fundamentalists for more than half a century, they keep struggling bravely and do not give up. As an occupying country, America only pursues its own interests, and since the blood of Afghans has no value for it, it does not hesitate to hand over power to the most bloodthirsty group in order to maintain its hegemony. After the United States government and NATO gave power to the Taliban, the first attack of this group was against women by trying to confine all women and girls to home. However, a conscious group of Afghan women keeps struggling and they are determined not to allow imprisonment, torture, rape, humiliation and insult to scare them.
'We have always been inspired by the courage of our sisters, Iranian women and Kurdish fighters'
'Long live the unity and solidarity of women'
Read all here:

JINHA - Womens news agency - July 12 , 2023 - by BAHARİN LEHİB
<<Afghan women running beauty salons look for new ways to keep working
Kabul- Since the takeover in August 2021, the Taliban have intensified the repression on women and girls. At the beginning of July, Mullah Hibatullah Akhunzada, the Taliban’s supreme leader, announced a ban on all women's hair and beauty salons across Afghanistan. Several days ago, the Taliban announced on social media that the owners of hair and beauty salons have to collect their equipment and close their salon until August 4.
'I will not bow to the Taliban'
This ban will leave many women unemployed. Afghan women running hair and beauty salons have been looking for new ways to keep working. S.S. is the owner of a beauty salon in Kabul. She is the only breadwinner for her family. She has been taking care of her brothers and sisters since her father died last year.
<I did not believe that the hair and beauty salons would be closed down until an officer of the Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice came to my beauty salon. He told me that I had to collect all the equipment and close my salon in a month,> she told NuJINHA.
S.S. also told us that the ban would leave dozens of women unemployed. <Dozens of women working in hair and beauty salons will lose their jobs and their only source of livelihood. Many owners of hair and beauty salons have been looking for new ways to keep working and earn a living for their families. I have been looking for a safe place to work. I will not bow to the Taliban.> >>

DW - July 1, 2023
<<Report criticizes US withdrawal from Afghanistan
Former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden's administrations made mistakes before and after the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan in 2021, the US State Department found in a report released on Friday. <The decisions of both President Trump and President Biden to end the U.S. military mission in Afghanistan had serious consequences for the viability of the Afghan government and its security,> the review said.
The so-called Afghanistan After Action Review report, requested by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, found their decision <presented significant challenges> to the State Department. The review said that <during both administrations there was insufficient senior-level consideration of worst-case scenarios and how quickly those might follow.>
State department wasn't prepared
Only 24 pages of a 85-page report were made public, the rest remained classified. The were a lack of clear decision-making, an absence of centralized crisis management and confusing public messaging, it found. It said there were shortcomings in the management plan concerning the Taliban. It mentioned the department's failure to expand its crisis-management task force to combat the Taliban forces and to appoint a senior diplomat to <oversee all elements of the crisis response.> Without naming, the report also criticized Secretary of State Antony Blinken and said, <Naming a 7th floor principal ... would have improved coordination across different lines of effort.> White House report skipped critical viewpoint
Biden was defiant when asked Friday if he would admit to mistakes.
<Remember what I said about Afghanistan? I said al-Qaida would not be there,> Biden said. <I said we'd get help from the Taliban. What's happening now? What's going on? Read your press. I was right.> >>
Read more here:
Opinion by Gino d'Artal: Biden, you only want to read what you want it seems. I'd say, bookmark and stay really posted on what's going on in Afghanistan and especially the more than brutal oppression of the women!

JINHA - July 6, 2023 - by BAHARIN LEHIB
<<Afghan girl writes her dreams in her poems
Ghazni- Since the Taliban takeover, Afghan women and girls have been deprived of their rights. They have been banned from going to school, working and entering amusement parks, public baths, gyms and sports clubs. Although Afghan women and girls face many restrictions imposed on them by the Taliban, they still struggle against the Taliban and dream of a bright future. 12-year-old girl namely F.W. writes the resistance of Afghan women and girls in her poems. Born to a farmer's family in a village in the city of Ghazni, she has just entered fourth grade. She is interested in music; however, she cannot improve herself in music due to the restrictions imposed by the Taliban. When she was younger, she began reading poems that encourage struggle and resistance. According to the rules of the Taliban, she can only go to school for two more years. She hopes for the end of the Taliban rule so that women and girls can regain their rights and play their role in society. She expresses her dream of a bright future in her poems now.>>
Source including videos:

<The taliban is afraid of woman!>

JINHA - Womens news Agency - July 3, 2023
<<Taliban ban all women's beauty salons across Afghanistan
News Center- Since the takeover in August 2021, the Taliban have intensified the repression on women and girls. Mullah Hibatullah Akhunzada, the Taliban's supreme leader, has imposed a ban on all women's beauty salons across Afghanistan. The Taliban's Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice has issued a letter instructing the closure of beauty salons by 24 July. This ban will leave hundreds of female beauticians, who earn a living from this business for their families, unemployed. Since the Taliban takeover in 2021, women and girls have been deprived of their right to education and work.>>

copyright Womens
Liberation Front 2019/ 2023