formerly known as
Womens Liberation Front


Welcome to, formerly known as.Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolution as well as especially for the Zan, Zendagi, Azadi uprising in Iran and the struggles of our sisters in Afghanistan.
This online magazine started December 2019 and will be published evey month and concerning the 'Women, Life, Freedom' revolution in Iran every week. Thank you for your time and interest.
Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
radical feminist and womens rights activist








                                                                                                            CRYFREEDOM 2019/2020

The face of Iran's protests. Her life, her dreams and her death.

In memory of Jina 'Mahsa' Amini, the cornerstone of the 'Zan. Zendagi. Azadi revolution.
16 February 2023 | By Gino d'Artali

And also
Read all about the assasination of the 22 year young Jhina Mahsa Amini or Zhina Mahsa Amini (Kurdistan-Iran) and the start of the Zan, Zendagi, Azadi (Women, life, freedom) revolution in Iran  2022
and the latest news about the 'Women Live Freedom' Revolution per month in 2023: July 15 -1--
June 30 - 15--June 15-1--May 31 -16-- May 15-1--April--March--Feb--Jan  

Tribute to KIAN PIRFALA, 9 years old and victim of the Islamic Republic's Savagery 10 years ago.

For all topics below
that may hopefully interest you click on the image:


Updated July 20, 2023




Updated July 12, 2023 


Updated July 18, 2023


 Updated July 12, 2023


Here we are to enter THE IRANIAN WOMEN'S REVOLUTIONISTS against
the supreme leader, the arch-reactionary Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and his placeman president, Ebrahim Raisi. The message of the women when he visited a university is plain: <give way or get lost> in 2023.

Click here for a total list so far

'Facing Faces and Facts 1-2'  (2022) to commemorate the above named and more and food for thought and inspiration to fight on.
and 'Facing Faces & Facts 3' edited December 2022/March 2023

Dear reader, from here on the 'Woman, Life, Freedom' pages menu will look a bit different and this to avoid too many pop-ups ,meaning the underlined period  in yellow tells you in what period you are and click on another underlinded period to go there. If you dissagree about any change feel more than free to let me know what you think at
This does not count for the  above topics which, when clicked on, will still appear in a pop-up window and for now the 'old' lay-out 'till I worked that all out. Thank you. Gino d'Artali
(Updates July 20, 2023)

2-weekly opinion by Gino d'Artali:
Dedicated to the women-led revolution
July 15 - 1, 2023

June 30 - 15, 2023

June 15 - 9, 2023

July 8, 2023 -opens in new window-
<Honor killings and femicide are on the rise in Iran>


July 21 - 18, 2023

July 18 - 14, 2023
<<Jailed Iranian Who Lost an Eye During Protest Released on Bail....
and <<19-Year-Old Molaei-Rad: Shot Dead at Close Range By Security Forces....
and his mother <<The Life of Justice-Seeker Nahid Shirpisheh: Solitary Confinement in Prison....
and <<Iranian Education Institute Shuttered over 'Inciting Riots'....
and <<Resistant Kurdish Prisoner Sakineh Parvaneh detained 4 months without trial....
and more news

July 14 - 13, 2023
<<Iranian Sunni Cleric Says Politics Should Be Left to Politicians
and <<IRGC Chief: The Islamic Republic Goes through its <Most Sensitive Time Ever>
and <<Woman from Kermanshah: Iranian women want to have equal rights with men
and <<54 lawyers arraigned in Bukan for announcing their support to Jina Mahsa Amini's family
and <<Ongoing Crackdown on Women as Asal Mohammadi Begins Prison Term
and more news

July 12 - 11, 2023
<<Retirees gather in protest in 7 cities in Iran....
and <<Surrounded by Oil Pipelines, Khuzestan Residents Face Severe Water Crisis....
and <<Humanitarian Disaster in Iran, 57% of the populace is malnourished....
and <<15-Year-Old Iranian Girl Killed by Father in Latest <Honor> Killing....
and <<People of Mahabad protest killing of Peyman Galvani....
and more news

Click here to go to July week 1, 2023




When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali.

Iranwire - July 12, 2023
<<US Group Condemns <Brutal> Sentence against Iranian Rapper
The open expression advocacy group PEN America has called for the immediate release of prominent Iranian rapper Toomaj Salehi, who was handed a long-term prison sentence for supporting protests that rocked the country last year. Salehi was sentenced to six years and three months in prison on the charge of <corruption on Earth,> his lawyer said on July 10. Following his closed-door trial, the artist was transferred to the general ward of Isfahan Central Prison after spending 252 days in solitary confinement. The sentence <is a stark example of the Iranian authorities' brutal actions,> Julie Trebault, director of PEN America's Artists at Risk Connection project, said in a statement. <Persecuting musicians solely for their creative and free expression is unacceptable.> Salehi was arrested in October amid anti-government demonstrations sparked by the September 2022 death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini while she was in police custody for allegedly flouting mandatory headscarf rules. The rapper was severely tortured while in custody and denied medical care and any opportunity to see his family. Human rights groups have condemned the lack of due process of the judicial proceedings. Salehi had released songs that criticized the Iranian government and supported the demonstrations demanding more freedoms and women's rights. He also posted pictures and videos of himself during protests.
In its statement, PEN America also cited the case of Saman Yasin, a Kurdish rapper who was arrested in October and tortured during his detention before being sentenced to death. The Supreme Court accepted his appeal and ordered a retrial that was supposed to be held in May. Iran is among the most inhospitable countries in the world for free expression. Last year, the Islamic Republic was the world's second largest jailer of writers after China, according to PEN America's 2022 Freedom to Write Index, which provides an annual count of writers imprisoned worldwide. The Iranian authorities imprisoned a total of 57 writers in 2022, including 16 women, making it the largest jailer of women writers globally.>>
Read more here:

Iranwire - July 12, 2023
<<Iran"s Khamenei Urges Seminary Students to <Propagate> Islamic System
Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei urged seminary students to work for the conservation of the authoritarian system governing the Islamic Republic, after protests against Iran’s clerical establishment swept the country for months. <Ensuring the preservation of the system and the people's faith is an imperative obligation,> Khamenei told a group of Islamic seminary students on July 12. <The significance of propagation as one of the duties of the seminaries has redoubled following the establishment of the Islamic Republic [in 1979], because the establishment of a political establishment based on religion has increased the enmity of the arrogant powers toward Islam,> he said, in reference to Western countries. In the <chaos of media pluralism,> Khamenei added, the youth should be the focus of religious propagation. <If we are negligent and weak in propagation in the face of new developments, we would be afflicted by a cultural transformation,> he warned. <Like the West, we would become caught up in a step-by-step process toward the normalization of major sins, which then couldn't be easily remedied.> Khamenei did not explicitly mention last year's nationwide protests sparked by the September death in police custody of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini.>>
Read more here:
Opinion by Gino d'Artali: All I can say and will repeat 'till the end: Down with Khamenei and his mullahs!

Iranwire - July 12, 2023
<<Another Kurdish Labor Activist Arrested in Iran; Whereabouts Unknown
Iranian police arrested Kurdish labor activist Ribvar Abdullahi in the western city of Sanandaj, and took him to an undisclosed location, the Free Workers' Union reported on July 12. The arrest was carried out with a court order. No information is immediately available regarding the reasons behind the move or the charges Abdullahi is facing. It comes amid a crackdown on labor activists involved in protests demanding better wages and working conditions. According to the Free Workers' Union, the court hearing in the case of another labor activist from Sanandaj, Rafiq Salimi, is scheduled for July 16.
Salimi has been held in the city's central prison since November 28, 20202.
The charges leveled against him include <forming illegal groups and acting against the country's national security> as well as <corruption on Earth.>
The activist has denied all the accusations against him. Reliable sources also reported the recent arrest of Sadeq Reyhani, a well-known labor activist and bakery worker in Sanandaj. Reyhani's detention has raised serious concerns due to the lack of information regarding his whereabouts and the agency responsible for his arrest.>>

NCRI - Women committee - in Women's news - July 11, 2023
<<Retirees gather in protest in 7 cities in Iran
Several groups of retirees held protest gatherings on Tuesday, July 11, 2023. They gathered in front of the National Pension Fund in Tehran and the governorates in the cities of Kermanshah, Sanandaj, Yazd, Mamasani (Fars), Karaj, and Ardabil. They complained about their miserable living conditions and protested against the government’s failure to adjust their salaries with the growing inflation and high prices.
Retired women were at the forefront of the protests. The retired men and women expressed their dissatisfaction with the poor economic situation, high cost of living, and inflation. They demanded the adjustment of their salaries, restoration of their lost rights, and the release of political prisoners.>>

Iranwire - July 11, 2023
<<Surrounded by Oil Pipelines, Khuzestan Residents Face Severe Water Crisis
In a video published by government-affiliated news agencies and shared on social media, people of Molashiyeh and Eyn-e Do districts complain that there has been no piped drinking water for 10 days. They say they must wait in the grueling summer heat for the sun to go down and for water tankers to distribute water to the populations. Molashiyeh and Eyn-e Do are located south of Ahvaz, capital of the oil-rich south-western province of Khuzestan bordering Iraq. The two districts have a population of over 80,000, according to the 2016 census. During the eight-year war between Iran and Iraq in the 1980s, many residents gave their lives to defend Iranian territory, and, decades later, it seems the conflict has not ended. Domestic media have reported about the complaints by Molashiyeh residents, but IranWire's interviews with civil activists and other people in Ahvaz show that the most peripheral areas of the city have experienced water and electricity shortages for too long. Water shortages - and protests over water scarcity - are becoming more commonplace across Iran, with poor water management, drought and corruption-ridden infrastructure projects contributing to the crisis.
<The water Is Cut Off, the Pressure Is Low or It Smells of Sewage>
Areas in the south-west of Ahvaz, including Molashiyeh, University Town, Pardis and Sayyahi, have been struggling with drinking water problems for years. A resident of Sayyahi tells IranWire: <For 12 months of the year, the water in our area is cut off, the pressure is low or it smells of sewage. Now, people raised their voices in protest and they brought water in tankers, but this is not something that usually happens. I’m 48 years old, and, as far as I can remember, the water situation in our area has remained the same.> This Sayyahi resident points out that the people in the south-western districts of Ahvaz also have to deal with long electricity cuts: <The heat exceeds 50 degrees Celsius when the electricity is cut off here. Even hell is not like this. Some homes have water tanks but, in a 50-degree heat, the water tanks can cause third-degree burns. We're talking about heat, lack of water and electricity cuts, but you must be here to understand.> Last week, Mohammad Reza Karami-Nejad, CEO of Khuzestan Water and Sewage Company, blamed population increase for the problems and said that a pipeline project to bring drinking water to Molashiyeh was underway.
<With the installation of the pipeline, the problem of water shortage in Molashiyeh will be solved within five days.>
He did not provide further details about the project, but Maryam, a civil activist in Ahvaz, dismissed the announcement as <yet another empty promise made to the people in southwest Ahvaz.> <This time, the water cut-off in Molashiyeh was caused by problems with pumps and equipment, excessive heat and the unauthorized pumping of water with very powerful pumps,> Maryam tells IranWire. <Molashiyeh is located at the very end of the water distribution network, meaning that people in Molashiyeh might not have water even if all others along the network do. They launch projects every year, with big or small budgets, but this problem must be solved by rebuilding the infrastructure, something we are certain won't happen.> >>
Read more here:
and related in the period June 27 - 26, 2023:
Read related articles: 
Related previously published articles about this sickening and corruptive autorities subject:   

Iranwire - July 11, 2023
<<Jailed Iranian Protester’s Family Harassed after Death Sentence Quashed
The father of jailed Iranian protester Sahand Noor Mohammadzadeh says security agents continue to harass and threaten his family after his son's death sentence was quashed by the judiciary. Noor Mohammadzadeh was arrested in front of his house in Tehran during protests on October 4, 2022, and was sentenced to death two months later for allegedly attempting to break the guardrail of a highway and setting fire to a dustbin. The Supreme Court canceled the death sentence in March this year and sentenced him to six years of imprisonment and 10 years of exile in Kerman Province, according to his lawyer. In a recent interview with the Emtedad news website, Noor Mohammadzadeh's father, Jafar, said he had received a call from an individual claiming to be a representative of a security agency. <Do not assume that Sahand's execution was halted due to the efforts of your lawyer or domestic and foreign media. The kindness of the system is behind the decision to change the sentence,> he quoted the man as saying.
<Do not think that execution is the only form of punishment for Moharebeh [waging war against God]. It can also result in exile, amputation and other severe punishment,> the man also said. Noor Mohammadzadeh's lawyer, Hamid Ahmadi, received notification of the cancellation of the death sentence against his client on March 29. However, the charge of <waging war against God,> which can carry a death sentence, still remains in place.
Noor Mohammadzadeh is held in Rajaee Shahr Prison in Karaj, west of Tehran.
In an audio file sent to IranWire in December, he rejected the accusations against him. He also said that intimidation and threats by his interrogators forced him to admit guilt. The prisoner also said he had been informed of his imminent execution and taken to the gallows on several occasions. After the release of the audio file, an informed source disclosed that Noor Mohammadzadeh was subjected to renewed threats and intense interrogation regarding the recording. At the end of the questioning process, the authorities told him, <You are making your case worse with these actions.> Noor Mohammadzadeh defiantly responded, <I've been sentenced to death for something I didn't do. What more could happen to me?> >>

NCRI - Women committee - in Articles - July 11, 2023
<<Humanitarian Disaster in Iran, 57% of the populace is malnourished
The news made headlines in the state-run media in Iran on July 10, 2023, as a former official of the Iranian Labor Ministry revealed that a <humanitarian disaster> is in the making in Iran. Hadi Moussavi Nik, the former general director for Social Welfare Studies at the Labor Ministry, said 57% of the Iranian population is malnourished as they do not receive the minimum 2100 calories per day designated by the World Bank for refugees in refugee camps. Moussavi Nik said, <Over 14.5 million of these people are children, with nearly 10 million under 12 years of age.> The remarks by Moussavi Nik were published by the semi-official on Monday, July 10, 2023. It was not clear, however, where he had made the speech. The statistics provided by this former official are way beyond the previous announcements. In November 2022, the Iranian Health Ministry put the number of malnourished kids at 800,000, constituting 15% of Iranian children. Humanitarian Disaster in Iran, 57% of the populace is malnourished. A single head of house hold with her daughter and empty plates
The feminine face of poverty and malnourishment
The vast majority of the people of Iran are malnourished. They do not have access to sufficient nutritious food they need. Because not only the basic staples but almost all food items are beyond people's purchasing power. For a long time, dairy products, legumes, eggs, poultry, and bread have become a luxury for most Iranian families. They do not afford to buy proteins, including red or white meat. There is a feminine face to poverty in Iran because of vicious discrimination against women in the job market. More than 64% of impoverished families in Iran are female heads of households. 50% of panhandlers in Iran are also women. Many basic food staples have been removed from people's food baskets because of low salaries, inflation, and high prices. The consumption of red meat has decreased by 65% and rice by 34%. 30M poverty line. With the poverty line at 30 million Tomans nowadays, even families with two working members are still under the poverty line.
The reality is much worse than the official figures
Shahab Naderi, a member of the parliament in 2017, revealed that 80% of Iranian society lives below the poverty line. (The state-run Khane Melat news agency, March 13, 2017). In 2017, the Iranian population was 83 million. So, 80% of that amounts to 66 million people. Iranian people have become highly poorer due to a complete economic collapse during the past six years. The middle class has all but diminished, and the vast majority of the Iranian people live in poverty despite the country’s immense national wealth and oil reserves.>>
Read more here:

Iranwire - July 11, 2023
<<Acclaimed Iranian Poet Ahmadreza Ahmadi Dies at 83
Ahmadreza Ahmadi, an acclaimed Iranian poet, screenwriter and painter has died at the age of 83, local media reported on July 11. Ahmadi passed away after months of fighting illness, leaving behind an indelible legacy in the world of literature and the arts. He is seen as the founder of New Wave Poetry in Iran and a pioneer of surrealism in children's literature. Among his most famous works, the book <Journey at Night> pertains to social issues, peace, coexistence and tolerance. Ahmadi received numerous awards throughout his career, including the prestigious Bijan Jalali Literary Award in 2005. His writings have been translated into many languages, including Arabic, Armenian, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Korean. Furthermore, Ahmadi showcased his artistic versatility through countless solo and group painting exhibitions.>>

Iranwire - July 11, 2023
<<15-Year-Old Iranian Girl Killed by Father in Latest <Honor> Killing
A man in the north-western Iranian province of West Azerbaijan has shot and killed his 15-year-old daughter, in what local media described as the ninth <honor killing> perpetrated by a father in Iran since March. Media reports said that the slaying of Zilan Eyvazi took place on the morning of July 7 when gunshots echoed through the village of Ziveh, West Azerbaijan province. The reason behind the killing was an SMS message received by the teenager, according to Etamad newspaper. Some reports said she was killed after her father discovered she was engaged in a relationship with a boy.
The paper quoted sources as saying that her father had exhibited violent behavior toward Zilan and her siblings in the past and engaged in altercations with other villagers. Zilan's uncle said that the teenage girl had three younger sisters and a brother and had been deprived of education for the past three years. The exact number of murders known as <honor killings> in Iran is unknown, but in December 2019, the state-run ISNA news agency reported that between 375 and 450 such killings occur annually across the country. Many in Iran have blamed the Islamic legal system as well as the country's patriarchal culture and traditions for fostering an environment that allows for <honor> killings . Two such killings, in which a 37-year-old woman and a 17-year-old teenager lost their lives at the hands of their own fathers, took place in the western Iranian provinces of Kurdistan and Ilam on June 3 and June 6. In yet another <honor> killing case, a 24-year-old woman named Shirvan was murdered by her father in West Azerbaijan province on May 9. A week earlier in the village of Damrostan, Lorestan province, a father took the life of his 29-year-old daughter after she divorced from her husband. The woman, named Masoumeh, was 15 years old when she married a significantly older man suffering from drug addiction.>>
Read also the special report above

JINHA - Womens news agency - July 11, 2023
<<People of Mahabad protest killing of Peyman Galvani
News Center- Last night, many people took to the streets of Mahabad at the same time to protest the killing of Kurdish political prisoner Peyman Galvani. Peyman Galvani, 24, a resident of Mahabad, was forcibly arrested by Iranian security forces at his family home in Mahabad on June 25. He was transferred to a hospital after being tortured in detention. He died at the hospital yesterday. Last night, many protests took place across Mahabad. The people taking to the streets chanted anti-regime slogans despite the presence of numerous security forces. During the protests, people accused the government of killing Peyman Galvani and strongly condemned the regime. The images and videos posted on social media platforms show the drones flying over the city.>>
Source incl. video;

Iranwire - July 11, 2023 - by KIAN SABETTI
<<Khazali's False Claims about Tehran Baha'i Cemetery
In the past few days, a video featuring Mehdi Khazali has been circulating on the internet. He is seen standing near the grave of a Baha'i in the religious minority's cemetery in Tehran. In the clip, Khazali claims that there are no restrictions on burying Baha'is in Golestan-e-Javid cemetery and accuses the community of <spreading falsehoods.>
Who Is Mehdi Khazali?
Mehdi Khazali is the son of Abulqasem Khazali, a member of the Assembly of Experts and the Guardian Council who formerly served as the representative of the Islamic Republic's founding father, Rohullah Khomeini, in an anti-Baha'i association known as Hojjatiyeh. Abulqasem Khazali actively participated in this association from 1980 until its dissolution ordered by Khomeini. He remained one of the few government officials who openly supported the goals of the group after its dissolution. Mehdi Khazali is the director of Hayaan publications. He gained popularity with the 1997 publication of a book titled Identity, which was based on a TV program of the same name. The program, produced by Saeed Emami and Hossein Shariatmadari, was aired in 1996. During the program, notable writers such as Abdul Hossein Zarkoub, Ahmad Shamlou and Mahmoud Dolatabadi were unjustly labeled as <traitors to the nation.> It also showed the <confessions> of Saeedi Sirjani, a researcher, writer and political activist critical of the Islamic Republic, as well as prominent religious activist Ezzatullah Sahabi. Khazali was detained multiple times since 2009, but he was always released after a short period of time. Seven years ago, he received a prison sentence he never served. In the video mentioned above, he refers to an individual named Ershad, probably the person behind the camera, and claims: <For example, Mr. Ershad paid 120 million [toman] ($2,400) for the grave of one of his relatives.>
Who Is Ershad?
The person referred to as Ershad in the video is identified as Hasan Ershad. It is unclear whether this is a real name or a nickname. Ershad first came to attention in the 2000s as an interrogator of a member of the Baha'i community in Kerman. A Baha'i youth was also arrested in Birjand after criticizing a speech by Ershad on a Telegram channel. Ershad presents himself as a graduate of the Faculty of Jurisprudence and Religions who specializes in the Baha'i faith. Over the years, he has produced online videos under the pseudonym Naser al-Din, in which he attempts to justify and minimize the persecution of Baha'is in Iran. Over the past two years, Ershad and Mehdi Khazali have collaborated on several video programs with an anti-Baha'i agenda. It is likely that the recently circulated video of Khazali is part of this series of programs.>>
Read more here especially if you want to know how the regime tries to manipulate the Iranians about their knowledge about the Baha'i:

Liberation Front 2019/ 2023