formerly known as
Womens Liberation Front


Welcome to, formerly known as.Womens Liberation Front.  A website that hopes to draw and keeps your attention for  both the global 21th. century 3rd. feminist revolutution as well and a selection of special feminist artists and writers.

This online magazine will be published evey six weeks and started February 1st. 2019. Thank you for your time and interest.

Gino d'Artali
indept investigative journalist
and radical feminist










                                                                                                            CRYFREEDOM 2019/2020


This is part 2 which will take you on his hazardous but still immensily heroic journey but of which dr. Mukwege said: <I did and do it for the women.> from 31 Oct 2021 'till 5 Oct 2013
Click here to go to part 1


Who is Dr
Denis Mukwege?

29 January 2014
<<Never-ending trauma: In DRC, rape survivors are punished with more rape....

11 April 2013
<<Congo: We did whatever we wanted, says soldier who raped 53 women...

19 April 2022
<<Pioneering treatment for sexual violance in the Congo -
and applying the lessons worldwide....

31 Oct 2021

29 Oct 2021
<<The <rape virus> (its term) is part of a battle centered on Congolese soils' coveted minerals such as gold, copper, diamonds, cobalt and coltan — the latter two indispensable in electronics. An opaque tangle of politicians, senior military and businessmen earns a lot of money from its exploitation...

26 Oct 2021
<<He says that it's because of the women. Their courage and the strength to motivate him, no, not to force you to continue...

21 Aug 2020
<<Even after his mother passed away, Mukwege was only able to attend her funeral under heavy military protection...

15 July 2019
<<Denis Mukwege. The Nobel Prize isn't mine but of all the victims I've treated.




'30 frames a second'


When one hurts or kills a women
one hurts or kills hummanity and is an antrocitie.
Gino d'Artali
and: My mother (1931-1997) always said to me <Mi figlio, non esistono notizie <vecchie> perche puoi imparare qualcosa da qualsiasi notizia.> Translated: <My son, there is no such thing as so called 'old' news because you can learn something from any news.>
Gianna d'Artali


De Volkskrant
26 oct 2021
Column by Marcis Luyten
<< The only thing that has not changed is the incessant violence against Congolese women.
The most awe-inspiring thing about Denis Mukwege is that for twenty-five years, every day, he has been confronted with the consequences of the worst atrocities imaginable - girls and women raped so violently that they are ruined from below, and that the Congolese doctor there is not apathetic, has become vindictive or cynical. Eleven years ago I was in his Panzi Hospital in Bukavu for a week. I watched as he got one of his twenty thousand patients back. After Mukwege operated on her four years earlier for her injuries, she gave birth to her rapist's child. Panzi's psychologists kept the woman in the clinic for months until she accepted her daughter. Now they were back. Mother and toddler. Both seriously injured, both infected with HIV. The tall man with the square head let his tears flow. Mukwege wrote a book about his life as a gynecologist and human rights activist, which was published this week in Dutch: The power of women. Our reunion would have ended quickly if the conversation had a purely journalistic purpose. The only thing that hasn't changed is the incessant violence against Congolese women. One thing I don't understand, I told him. When I read your book, it seems written in 2010. Mukwege closed his eyes for a moment. <Nothing has changed at all.> But of course that's not right. A lot has changed in those eleven years. Mukwege received almost all major human rights prizes, in 2018 the Nobel Peace Prize. As his clinic had more doctors, he was able to travel more often. All over the world, looking for support for Congolese women. He spoke to the United Nations, the European Parliament and numerous national parliaments. Meanwhile, rape spread like a contagious virus in his country. In the past it was only soldiers and armed rebels who assaulted women, nowadays every sexually mature boy is a potential rapist. Guards of gold, tin, cobalt, or coltan mines (Congo is cursed with a soil full of precious minerals and a failing state) get a machine gun instead of salary. They can get their compensation from citizens; with raids and violent sexual pleasure. In those eleven years, the world came to know what is happening in Eastern Congo. Likewise, our cell phones and electric cars are full of coltan and lithium dripping with blood. It mainly led to the fact that Denis Mukwege's life is now also in danger. In 2012, he survived an attempt on his life in Bukavu. His daughters were held hostage in their house for hours, his good friend and caretaker Joseph was shot dead. Mukwege, he could not tell what it was when he came to his senses and came next to Joseph in the land, has been traumatized, vietnam. The government in Kinshasa, he had rather have lost than to the high yield of conflict after that. The same is true for the neighboring countries of Uganda and Rwanda. Since the start of the democratic republic of the Congo lese war in 1996, and rob it of precious metals. In Rwanda, that is, in its own soil, with very little to no minerals, in 2013, the world's largest coltanproducent. The Rwanda Development Board, reported that the goudexport significantly increased. At the beginning of this year, the European Union has a law in place that states would force the re-emergence of the minerals. That way, the Congolese and Rwandan government has taken. Kinshasa, and its neighbor is now the documents, which state that, in Rwanda, the raw materials are legally obtained. The only thing that hasn't changed is the incessant violence against women. An outlaw to them. The numerator of the Panzi is on a 70-thousand-treated women. And, you know Mukwege, for each also having the courage to report it, there's like a thousand in silence. Because of the protection of UN troops failed, as Mukwege and now the International criminal court (Icc) for the Netherlands. As is, he never was. He says that it's because of the women. Their courage and the strength to motivate him, no, not to force you to continue.>>
Part of the article (quotes) have been translated from Dutch to English by Gino d'Artali

copyright Womens Liberation Front 2019/ 2022